Use our savings calculator to find out just how much you can save as a Momentum Multiply member for doing everyday activities that improve your health, finances and safety.
Please answer the following questions so that we can give you a more accurate savings estimate.
Do you have a Momentum Medical Scheme Product?
Please indicate which Momentum Medical Scheme Product you have?
R {{partnerNgModelsObject | categorySavingAnnualFilter: 'privateclub':saving.savingsName:'premier':this}}
R {{partnerNgModelsObject | categorySavingAnnualFilter: 'privateclub':saving.savingsName:'engagePlus':this}}
R {{partnerNgModelsObject | categorySavingAnnualFilter: 'privateclub':saving.savingsName:'inspirePlus':this}}
Disclaimer: As a Multiply Premier member, your discount available in any calendar year from January to December will be dependent on your Multiply status. Discounts are subject to a capped spend or frequency per month or year shared across selected partners, after which a base percentage may be applied to amounts in excess. Please note that it is the retail price and not the discounted price of your purchase that counts toward the spend limit. The results of the partner savings calculator are based on the information you have submitted regarding your personal choices relating to our partners. The calculator also makes certain assumptions in order to calculate expected partner savings. This tool is not an actual savings calculator but is intended as a guide to show how much you could save as a Multiply member.